eBook (Epub 2)
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Habits of the rich

New Ideas dor achieving financial freedom
Editorial: Paidós Empresa
País de publicación: Colombia

Sinopsis de Habits of the rich:

Many people aspire to be rich and have higher incomes.

However, few achieve these goals, mostly because they lack the habits and financial education to increase money. For the author, achieving these objectives depends on the determination and mentality with which each person faces and modifies their reality. "There can be no economic growth without personal growth," says the author, who from his experience advises how to clarify the reasons for which everyone came to the world and how to transform those motivations into money. For him, a transcendent motivation in life and nurturing a mentality oriented to success are the first steps to find sources of income other than a fixed salary, since it will increase the desire and the need to get more resources. It is also the way to defeat all fears, discover individual talents and thus undertake, create businesses and invest in their own dreams.

eBook (Epub 2)
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Sobre el autor de Habits of the rich

© Juan Diego Gómez #modohervir

Es el primer latinoamericano en lograr el Botón de Oro de YouTube en educación financiera al tener más de un millón de suscriptores y más de 120 millones de reproducciones en su canal Invertir Mejor; es pionero en América Latina en inversiones por internet, además de ser autor de nueve libros, conferencista internacional, coach en finanzas personales y transformación de vida y activo influencer en las redes sociales, en las que cuenta con más ...

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Ficha técnica

Fecha de publicación: 24/08/2020 | Idioma: Inglés | ISBN: 978-958-42-9000-7 | Código: 10267804 | Presentación: Epub 2 | Sentido de lectura: Occidental

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