A Friend in Hell
Original title: Un amigo en el infierno
Category: Non-Fiction

A Friend in Hell

Original title: Un amigo en el infierno
Category: Non-Fiction

A story based on real events, which speaks of fraternity, solidarity and forgiveness among brothers to survive barbarism.

May 1945. The Red Army is at the gates of Berlin. Chaos reigns in the heart of Germany. At that very moment, thirty-five Republican Spaniards, who had been sent to work in Germany by the Vichy regime, storm the Francoist embassy abandoned by the diplomats, and raise the Republican flag for the last time on Spanish soil. However, the Soviets, following mysterious orders, immediately arrest them and send them to the USSR as prisoners. There, in the gulag, thousands of miles from their native land, they will meet other Spaniards, members of the Blue Division, who had fought on the Russian front with the Nazis.

Alfredo Morales, the protagonist of this magnificent tale, represents all those who suffered the Europe of totalitarianism. Men and women who after the Civil War went into exile, lived in subhuman conditions in French concentration camps, crossed a continent at war and ended up in the terrible Russian gulag, where Republicans and Falangists, reds and blues were forced to get along with each other to overcome the cold, hunger and death.

The author brings to light a little-known historical event: the sad odyssey of 35 Spaniards who were defeated in the Civil War, fled Franco’s Spain, survived French hostility, Nazi Germany and Soviet internment camps. And it was there, in the gulag, that they encountered a group of young fascists belonging to the Blue Division. All of them, regardless of their ideology and values, had to unite in a common goal: to survive.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 440 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-6893-1 | Imprint: Espasa