Think Beautiful
Original title: Piensa bonito
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

Think Beautiful

Original title: Piensa bonito
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

8 mistakes you should avoid to free your mind and achieve the life you want

Our thoughts govern the relationship we have with ourselves, how we relate to other people and the world. They allow us to see more opportunities, but they can also limit us and make us unhappy. In this book, Tomás Navarro identifies the eight most common thinking errors and shows us the keys to learn to think beautiful; a new style of thinking that is more open and expansive, which invites us to explore our limits to reach the best version of ourselves.  

Thinking beautiful is the best ally you have to be able to live the life you want according to your desires and priorities. Thinking beautiful allows you to see opportunities where other people cannot see them. Thinking beautiful is to arm yourself with resilience to manage adversity without suffering more than necessary, minimizing the impact of pain and its aftermath. Thinking beautiful is to think compassionately, incorporating other people into your universe, sharing life and creating more opportunities for all. Thinking beautiful will make you a winner before the battle.


In this time of "pandemic fatigue" the author offers us a guide to help us look after the quality of our thoughts, think well and be able to manage the difficulties and limitations that many people are experiencing.

This book teaches us to detect 8 basic thinking errors that limit us and offers us 8 resources to correct them, thus helping us to focus on living in a way that is more in line with our priorities, desires, objectives and needs. 

According to Tomás Navarro, psychology has dedicated a great deal of time paying special attention to emotions, but emotional intelligence is not everything. The main objective of this book is to help you think better; because if you think better, you will live better.

Rights sold

Giunti (Italia), Editura Prestige (Romania), Portal Publishing (Russia) & Kalipso (Serbia).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 248 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-24495-0 | Imprint: Zenith

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