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Another Possible Israel
Original title: Otro Israel posible
Adolfo García Ortega

Another Possible Israel

Original title: Otro Israel posible

Adolfo García Ortega


An incisive essay that presents arguments prompting us to rethink the current conflict with new perspectives.

Following the terrible attack committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023, against Israel, and the equally terrible and disproportionate response from the Netanyahu government, Adolfo García Ortega—writer, editor, translator, and columnist—describes a reality he knows well due to his interest in the political and cultural affairs of the region.

Travel notes, reflections, analyses, and conversations with Israelis and Palestinians are woven throughout Another Possible Israel, a direct and impactful book that is highly critical of Netanyahu and his government, as well as Hamas, while advocating for the future coexistence of two states.

"This war," writes García Ortega, "so devastating for the Palestinians, is paving the way for the future: absolute change in Israel and absolute change on the Palestinian side to reach a definitive solution from minimum positions of equality and realism."

A timely, current, and necessary book, it offers a lucid and different view of a problem that has been stalled for over seventy years.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 192 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-7424-6 | Imprint: Espasa