Holding One's Tongue
Original title: Morderse la lengua
Darío Villanueva

Holding One's Tongue

Original title: Morderse la lengua

Darío Villanueva


Political correctness and post-truth.

In our globalized “information society”, the consequent emergence of disinformation is the product of two phenomena symptomatic of our times: political correctness and post-truth, contemporary manifestations of stupidity and the breakdown of rationality. Both permeate and pervert the discourse of politicians, the media and social networks, affecting personal and professional relationships and even research, creation and artistic expressions.

Should we hold our tongue and accept matters? A better alternative would be to learn how these new fundamentalisms work to protect ourselves from being manipulating by them.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 384 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-6198-7 | Imprint: Espasa