A Universal History of Solutions
Original title: Historia universal de las soluciones
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

A Universal History of Solutions

Original title: Historia universal de las soluciones
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

How does human intelligence work when faced with a problem? A book that reveals a methodology for problem solving

 The first part of this book focuses on a theory of resolved intelligence, that is, intelligence applied to solving problems, with subsequent resolutions. Not finding solutions leads to a sense of “anguish” or “hopelessness”. The theory is a doctrine of optimistic intelligence that allows for the development of a methodology for problem-solving, a heuristic. A branch of positive psychology believes that the remedy for difficult situations is to change one’s emotional state. In contrast, the Theory of Resolved Intelligence understands that the way forward is to find a solution to the conflict itself.

The second part of the book deals with the history of solutions. In reality, it is a history of cultures, given that it consists of a set of solutions - good, bad and disastrous - to universal problems. This allows us to make comparisons between them and choose the best solutions.

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Publishing date: | 336 pages | ISBN: 978-84-344-3760-9 | Imprint: Editorial Ariel

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