This Book Will Make You Live Longer —or at least better
Original title: Este libro te hará vivir más (o por lo menos mejor)
Category: Non-Fiction

This Book Will Make You Live Longer —or at least better

Original title: Este libro te hará vivir más (o por lo menos mejor)
Category: Non-Fiction

Choose good habits, adapt your routines and improve your wellbeing.

The gathering of scientific data and further knowledge has lengthened our life expectancy, mostly in developed countries. However, this wellbeing culture has not managed to pervade the population to add quality of life to this increased longevity. As it turns out, we are constantly harassed by a digital culture endorsing a sedentary lifestyle and chronic stress. To make things worse, the surging sales of miraculous and instantly curative products are intensifying the individual pressure and sense of guilt of those who lack the time or the aim to invest in their wellbeing. The good news is that we don’t need “easy and fast” methods or miracles of any sort to live longer (or, at least, to live better.)

Tamara Pazos, a Biologist Specialising in Neuroscience and educator, has spent years researching how to use popular science to prevent health risks. In her new book she displays a detailed and scientifically proven guide that elucidates which are the five major fields of action that will allow us to improve our health: our natural environment, sleeping patterns, sense of awareness, physical exercise and diet. Therefore, depending on our needs or action fields that we want to work on to improve our health, Pazos will provide a tailored guideline to acquire good habits, adapt our routines and improve our wellbeing.

Written in a very entertaining and practical style, This Book will Make you Live Longer —or at least better shall become a reference work for those readers who are aiming to improve their wellbeing in a free, natural manner, devoid of pressure or guilt, that will ultimately let them enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Tamara Pazos establishes in her new essay the five main fields of work that we can work on in order to improve our entire wellbeing:

  • Natural environment
  • Sleep
  • Awareness
  • Physical Exercise
  • Diet

Highlights This Book Will Make You Live Longer —or at least better


Using her trademark scientific rigour and usual approachability, Tamara Pazos presents a most thorough guide helping us to unveil what habits we should follow according to Science to effortlessly improve our routines and health.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 320 pages | ISBN: 978-84-493-4100-7 | Imprint: Ediciones Paidós