Diverse Spain
Original title: España diversa
Category: Non-Fiction | History

Diverse Spain

Original title: España diversa
Category: Non-Fiction | History

A book to understand the essential aspects of diversity in Spain’s history

In Diverse Spain, Eduardo Manzano Moreno challenges the traditional account of Spanish history, exploring centuries of social, political, cultural and religious diversity that have shaped the country. From the Reconquest to the conquest of America, he examines the influence of the composite monarchy, Bourbon unification and the contradictions of the liberal state. He also addresses the violence that occurred during Franco’s regime and the Transition. This book provides essential insight to understand linguistic diversity, the legacy of al-Andalus and Sepharad, as well as historical paradoxes. With his agile style, Manzano Moreno offers a brilliant and erudite interpretation that challenges traditional views, highlighting the cultural and social legacy that shapes Spain’s present.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 548 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9199-644-6 | Imprint: Editorial Crítica