The Challenge of Adolescence
Original title: El desafío de la adolescencia
Category: Non-Fiction | Education
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

The Challenge of Adolescence

Original title: El desafío de la adolescencia
Category: Non-Fiction | Education
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

How to accompany your children on their journey through adolescence and help them find their identity

Adolescents navigate a transitional phase, caught between childhood and adulthood, a unique stage of growth as they prepare to become adults and the future stewards of humanity. This period is marked by profound biological, psychological, cognitive and social transformations that present considerable challenges not only for the adolescents themselves but also for their families and educators. The various settings and scenarios they pass through will demand adaptations, compromises and, above all, the support of essential figures: parents, adult mentors and peers. This book aims to offer parents and educators the essential insights and tools to understand, support and appreciate their adolescents through this complex journey.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 440 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-7399-7 | Imprint: Espasa