Education Without The Frustration
Original title: Educar sin desesperar
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

Education Without The Frustration

Original title: Educar sin desesperar
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

A practical guide to educating from a place of calm, mutual respect and emotional connection.

Is it possible to bring up children without getting fed up? Can you learn to deal with tantrums and talking back without losing your temper? The answer is a resounding yes. This book offers clear, effective advice which you can put into practice straight away the next time you find yourself getting exasperated with your toddler or teenager, so you don’t have to throw in the towel when things get complicated. It will help you to raise capable, resilient children, with confidence in themselves and openness to others.

With Angélica Joya’s extensive knowledge and a seemingly endless repertoire of tools and exercises that are very easy to take on board, you’ll learn to understand, manage and prevent the behaviours that might otherwise drive you to distraction on a daily basis. Bring up children from a place of calm and
mutual respect, without losing your cool in the process.

My work, my passion, is to help you seek practical solutions so you can feel contentment, confidence and connection in your role as an adult raising children and teenagers.

Highlights Education Without The Frustration


A book packed with advice for coping with the daily challenges of raising children, where calm, mutual respect and emotional connection take the place of shouting and threats.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-27785-9 | Imprint: Editorial Planeta