Educating in Montessori
Original title: Educar en Montessori
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

Educating in Montessori

Original title: Educar en Montessori
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

Practical activities for children ages 4 to 8.

Apply the Montessori method at home with little effort and lots of fun thanks to this guide with more than 70 simple activities that invite children from 4 to 8 years old to discover letters, numbers, and the world around them. Focusing on practical life, the senses, literacy, math, science, music, art and foreign languages, all the activities follow the Montessori principles of stimulating the senses and encouraging autonomy, patience, and curiosity.

It doesn’t matter if your children attend a Montessori school: whatever your situation, you can do these activities at home, devoting just a little time to them each day. All you need is a desire to grow and learn together, a little patience and above all... a lot of love!

A practical guide to stimulating learning in children ages 4 to 8 with multiple activities following the Montessori method.

Rights sold

Egmont (Croatia), Pema Shpk (Albania).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 192 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-25771-4 | Imprint: Zenith