Where Flowers Rest
Original title: Donde descansan las flores

Where Flowers Rest

Original title: Donde descansan las flores

A book that connects the author’s life and personal history with her past: Intimacies the Sara of today would share with the girl she once was

Imagine being able to whisper reassurances into every crevice of your past, what would say? If you had answers, what guidance would you give your former self? How would you ease the pain of every hurt produced by misunderstandings? What would you like to know if you could speak with your future self? Where Flowers Rest is a vibrant tapestry of emotions, a journey through the dimensions of life, time and space. It is a dialogue that spans the various realms of one’s being.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 144 pages | ISBN: 978-84-19875-41-9 | Imprint: Lunwerg Editores