Life Through Constellations
Original title: Constelar la vida

Life Through Constellations

Original title: Constelar la vida

A unique look at Family Constellations by Spain’s foremost expert on the subject

Our bonds with others are like roots in that they both support us and intertwine us. Why are they so important? How do they sustain us and give us life? And why do we suffer so much if they are absent or we deny them? 

Bonds are the basic unit of life whose nutrients and vitamins are constituted by the exchange of giving and receiving. When the psychologist and therapist Joan Garriga applies the technique of family constellations, he uses bonds to observe, analyze and intervene in the knots, denials and adversities people experience. Self-knowledge and systems of bonds are interrelated in a book that will help us understand life’s complexity, our past, and how to create a healthy present and future, not only individually, but also collectively.

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Bellona (Poland)

Technical data

Publishing date: | 248 pages | ISBN: 978-84-233-6524-1 | Imprint: Ediciones Destino

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