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Original title: Cervantes
Santiago Muñoz Machado


Original title: Cervantes

Santiago Muñoz Machado


The biography of Cervantes, penned by of Spain's most influential intellectuals

Cervantes delves into his life using autobiographical clues from his works. It combines these with extensive research spanning over a century to provide a comprehensive narrative of his life and the evolution of his literary legacy. The book not only explores Cervantes' creative sources and his mastery of storytelling but also examines the cultural and historical contexts that shaped his works, particularly Don Quixote. It discusses his fascination with romance, his engagement with popular beliefs of his time, and his deep understanding of law and justice. With a blend of biography, literary analysis, historical context, and thematic exploration, the book offers a profound and meticulous portrayal of Cervantes, marking a significant contribution to contemporary literary studies.

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Beijing Qizhenguan Media (China)

Technical data

Publishing date: | 1040 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9199-418-3 | Imprint: Editorial Crítica