The project of my life
Original title: El proyecto de mi vida. LN

The project of my life

Original title: El proyecto de mi vida. LN

Branon Sivon, owner of the prestigious Sivon-Cardigan law firm in New York, adores his daughter Sharon, whom he’s prepared since she was a girl to take over the family business when he’s gone. But when Branon dies unexpectedly, far from feeling ready to grab the reins of the business, Sharon has to face yet another blow when an old photo shows her next to a little girl who looks a lot like her. All her suspicions are resolved when she finds a box with a diary and the receipts from bank deposits her father has been making ever since she was born.

In this way, she finds out she was adopted and that the other girl is her sister. Anibal, her fiancé, tries to hide the news from her, because if the law firm he works for finds out that Sharon isn’t the biological daughter of the magnate Branon Sivon and Adela Cardigan, all his political ambitions will end up in the waste basket. But Sharon needs answers, and that leads her to take a long trip during which she will meet her twin sister and her other siblings, and will meet a man who will make her believe the last word her father whispered in her ear before he died.

Don’t miss this love story from Megan Maxwell, in which Sharon, determined to reconstruct the links in her family, will finally find her life’s project.

Option publishers

Planeta Manuscrito (Portugal), TEA (Italy)

Technical data

Publishing date: | 480 pages | ISBN: 978-950-49-8264-7 | Imprint: Esencia

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