To be a dog
Original title: Casi perra
Leila Sucari
Category: Fiction

To be a dog

Original title: Casi perra

Leila Sucari

Category: Fiction

After living through a complicated affair and facing the bitter reality of not having a family, a woman takes a trip by train to leave behind her burdens, at least for a while. She is too old to have children, her partner doesn’t want to marry her, her father just died, and the only thing she has left of her missing mother is an orange purse.

As soon as she arrives in Lagerstroemia, she gets off the train and sees a pack of dogs, whom she sees as noble creatures. She soon finds the entrance to the campground where she will stay for a few days. Initially, she does not feel comfortable in the natural setting, but in the following weeks, she seems to fuse with nature and enjoys the feeling of wildness. She resists leaving the campground, because its healing effect is immediate and she imagines that wild creatures don’t feel emotional pain, just like the dogs she saw when she arrived.
In this story told from the heart, a woman must decide between facing the problems she left behind, and letting them go to seek inner peace in nature.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 88 pages | ISBN: 978-987-670-744-2 | Imprint: Tusquets