Bye - Bye, Puppy
Original title: Adiós cachorra
Lucía Numer Bellomi
Category: Fiction

Bye - Bye, Puppy

Original title: Adiós cachorra

Lucía Numer Bellomi

Category: Fiction

Not being paired up with someone is fine, splitting up is fine, having dating apps is fine, going out and having fun is also fine. What’s not fine from anyone’s perspective is the way we keep letting the frustration created by ghosting, dates cancelled at the last-minute, unanswered texts, and broken promises from people we have just met fill us with insecurities, doubts and emotional self sabotage.

Three women will meet on a trip that will change them forever. Ava, a thirty-something Australian woman who decides to go to Paris after a last failed date with someone from Tinder who ultimately rejected her. Oli, a twenty-seven-year-old American architect and millionaire, who decides to move to the City of Light after discovering that Ben, a man she saw once a week for two years and who supposedly “wasn’t into anything serious,” has become engaged to another woman. And EIsa, a Spaniard who is going through an existential crisis because she divorced her long-time husband and her children are grown up and don’t need her the way they used to.

There in Paris they will all meet Lili, a fortyyear- old Argentinean woman who personally experienced thousands of failed relationships and couldn’t understand why. Her frustration led her to look for solutions in books on sociology, psychology, neuroscience and feminist theory.
Her research led her to find answers to her dilemma and since then her dates are always successful. Lili will help them to understand with they cannot get over the first encounters and will provide them tools to become authentic
and seen in such chances.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 208 pages | ISBN: 978-987-822-135-9 | Imprint: Booket