The 27 Dates of Charlotte May
Original title: Las 27 citas de Charlotte May

The 27 Dates of Charlotte May

Original title: Las 27 citas de Charlotte May

Looking for love in the time of Tinder

Charlotte May’s life seems perfect, but on her thirtieth birthday she has a romantic epiphany and becomes obsessed with the idea that she’s incomplete: what she needs is a man by her side, a boyfriend to sweep her away from the horrible boredom of mere happiness. She likes herself, she has the job of her dreams, money in the bank, and a family that loves her, and she and her two best friends share an apartment in Shoreditch, her favorite London neighborhood. She’s had enough of failed relationships, one-night stands, and other romantic disasters. So she sets out to find the man of her dreams, the one. With the help of her friends Oliver and Moon, she draws up a list of twenty-seven requirements for the perfect man and sets off on a frantic whirlwind of dates, each one more nightmarish than the last, and with one common denominator: every candidate fails spectacularly to meet one of Charlotte’s requirements.

Will Charlotte find the love of her life in any of the men she meets?

Technical data

Publishing date: | 384 pages | ISBN: 978-956-408-399-5 | Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Other titles of the author