Antonio Iturbe
 ©Ana Portnoy
©Ana Portnoy

Antonio Iturbe

Antonio Iturbe is a renowned cultural journalist, writer and professor.
Author of Rectos torcidos (2005), Días de sal (2008), The Librarian of Auschwitz (2012),
A cielo abierto (2017, Biblioteca Breve Prize), and The Infinite Beach (2021). As a cultural
journalist, he has worked for magazines such as Fantastic Magazine and El Periódico, and has
contributed to various newspapers, radios, and magazines. For nineteen years, he was part
of the editorial team of Qué Leer, serving as director for the last seven. Currently, he directs
the book magazine Librújula, contributes to media outlets such as La Vanguardia, Heraldo
de Aragón, or RAC1, and teaches in the master’s program in publishing at the Autonomous
University of Madrid and several courses in creative writing at Ateneu Barcelones.
